quinta-feira, março 27, 2008


The Limits To Growth – Donella H. Meadows ……R$ 10,00
The Natural World of the California Indians – Heizer & ElsasserR$ 15,00
Uhuru – Robert Ruark …………… R$ 3,00
Hollywood And the people who made it – Garson Kanin …… R$ 4,00
When the Lion Feeds – Wilbur Smith ………R$ 4,00
The Peasants of North Vietnam – Gérard Chaliand ………. R$ 7,00
The Door to December – Dean Koontz ……………..… R$ 5,00
Sisters and Strangers – HelenVan Slyke ………… R$ 4,00
The Moors Murderers – Beyond Belief ……… R$ 6,00
Falling for you – Jill Mansell ……… R$ 20,00
Film directing Shot by Shot – Steven d Katz …… R$ 30,00
Illustrate Dictionary Michaelis English-Portuguese (4 Vols) R$ 70,00
The Art of Doing – Stage Make-up Techniques – Martin Jans R$15,00
Art in Ancient Times – Joseph Pijoan ……….. R$ 20,00
A History of the United States Since the 1890´s – Arthur S. Link . R$ 12,00
A New Morality from Sciencer: Beyondism – Raymond B. Cattell R$ 15,00
Noches de Humo – Olga Behar ………...........…..R$ 10,00
La Magnifica Lunatica – Cornelia Otis Skinner ...........R$ 10,00
Die Schönsten Bücher – Junge Leser ................. R$ 10,00

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